夜空中明亮的圆月下,牛郎与织女相对而立,手紧握于一座由鸽子搭成的桥上,四周白云缭绕,远处有古老的中式塔楼,如同天上的宫殿。 提示词: At night, the round moon hangs in the sky. In Chinese mythology, the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, a boy wearing Hanfu and a gir…
夜空中明亮的圆月下,牛郎与织女相对而立,手紧握于一座由鸽子搭成的桥上,四周白云缭绕,远处有古老的中式塔楼,如同天上的宫殿。 提示词: At night, the round moon hangs in the sky. In Chinese mythology, the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, a boy wearing Hanfu and a gir…