
1,罗马斗兽场,公元 80 年——斗兽场鼎盛时期的俯视图,成千上万的观众为竞技场中的角斗士和野生动物欢呼。采用 David Roberts 19 世纪水彩画的风格。

The Colosseum in Rome, AD 80 – An overhead view of the Colosseum in its prime, packed with thousands of spectators cheering on gladiators and wild animals in the arena. In the style of David Roberts’ 19th-century watercolor paintings.


2,吉萨大金字塔,公元前 2560 年——从沙漠地面拍摄的金字塔倾斜照片,前景是骆驼和游牧民族,背景是明亮的蓝天。马克西米连·卢斯 (Maximilien Luce) 的点画派绘画风格。

The Great Pyramids of Giza, 2560 BC – An angled shot of the pyramids from the desert floor, with camels and nomads in the foreground and a bright blue sky in the background. In the style of Maximilien Luce’s Pointillist paintings.


3,亚历山大图书馆,公元前 300 年——图书馆主厅的内景,书架上堆满了卷轴和正在工作的学者。以 Ernst Haeckel 的新艺术风格插图风格。

The Library of Alexandria, 300 BC – An interior view of the library’s main hall, with shelves stacked with scrolls and scholars at work. In the style of Ernst Haeckel’s Art Nouveau illustrations.


4,滑铁卢战役,1815 年——滑铁卢战役戏剧性和混乱的场面,士兵冲锋,战马奔腾,战场硝烟升腾。以 JMW Turner 的浪漫风景画风格。

The Battle of Waterloo, 1815 – A dramatic and chaotic scene of the Battle of Waterloo, with soldiers charging, horses galloping, and smoke rising from the battlefield. In the style of J.M.W. Turner’s Romantic landscapes.


5,丝绸之路,公元 500 年——丝绸之路沿线熙熙攘攘的集市景象,商人和旅行者为香料、纺织品和异国情调的商品讨价还价。以亨利卢梭的丛林场景风格。

The Silk Road, 500 AD – A bustling market scene along the Silk Road, with merchants and travelers haggling over spices, textiles, and exotic goods. In the style of Henri Rousseau’s jungle scenes.


6,凡尔赛宫,1682 年 – 凡尔赛宫宏伟华丽的内部装饰,有枝形吊灯、镀金造型和穿着时髦的贵族。以 Antoine Watteau 的洛可可画作风格。

The Palace of Versailles, 1682 – A grand and opulent interior of the Palace of Versailles, with chandeliers, gilded moldings, and aristocrats in fashionable attire. In the style of Antoine Watteau’s Rococo paintings.


7,1415年的阿金库尔战役——鸟瞰阿金库尔战役,英法士兵在战场上交锋,箭矢从天而降。以彼得·保罗·鲁本斯 (Peter Paul Rubens) 的巴洛克式战斗场景的风格。

The Battle of Agincourt, 1415 – A bird’s eye view of the Battle of Agincourt, with English and French soldiers clashing on the battlefield and arrows raining down from the sky. In the style of Peter Paul Rubens’ Baroque battle scenes.


8,西斯廷教堂,1480 年 – 西斯廷教堂天花板壁画的特写镜头,以及米开朗基罗的亚当、上帝和先知的标志性图像。以古斯塔夫·克里姆特 (Gustav Klimt) 的新艺术风格肖像画风格。

The Sistine Chapel, 1480 – A close-up of the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, with Michelangelo’s iconic images of Adam, God, and the prophets. In the style of Gustav Klimt’s Art Nouveau portraits.


9,雅典的帕台农神庙,公元前 447 年——帕台农神庙的鸟瞰图,柱子、山墙饰和雕塑衬托在明亮的蓝天和雅典卫城的背景下。以巴勃罗毕加索的立体派静物画风格。

The Parthenon in Athens, 447 BC – An aerial view of the Parthenon, with the columns, pediments, and sculptures set against a bright blue sky and the Acropolis in the background. In the style of Pablo Picasso’s Cubist still-lifes.


10,罗马的特莱维喷泉,公元前 19 年——特莱维喷泉的夜景,灯笼和满月照亮了倾泻而下的水流。以克劳德·莫奈 (Claude Monet) 的印象派睡莲画作风格。

The Trevi Fountain in Rome, 19 BC – An evening shot of the Trevi Fountain, with the cascading water lit up by lanterns and a full moon in the sky. In the style of Claude Monet’s Impressionist water lily paintings.


11,公元前 500 年的古罗马广场——古罗马广场熙熙攘攘的街景,有战车、元老和卖货的小贩。以马克·夏加尔 (Marc Chagall) 的超现实主义风景画风格。

The Roman Forum, 500 BC – A bustling street scene in the Roman Forum, with chariots, senators, and vendors selling goods. In the style of Marc Chagall’s Surrealist landscapes.


12,比萨斜塔,1173 年——斜角拍摄的比萨斜塔,游客和鸽子聚集在斜塔底部,背景是城市周围的建筑物。以 Eadweard Muybridge 的定格动画照片的风格。

The Leaning Tower of Pisa, 1173 – An angled shot of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, with tourists and pigeons gathering at its base and the surrounding buildings of the city in the background. In the style of Eadweard Muybridge’s stop-motion photographs.


13,伦敦塔,1078 年——伦敦塔的戏剧性和不祥之景,其城垛、炮塔和塔楼映衬在多云的天空中。以 J.R.R. 的风格托尔金的插图。

The Tower of London, 1078 – A dramatic and foreboding view of the Tower of London, with its battlements, turrets, and towers set against a cloudy sky. In the style of J.R.R. Tolkien’s illustrations.


14,卢浮宫博物馆,1793 年——卢浮宫博物馆宏伟的内部装饰,以及萨莫色雷斯的胜利之翼

The Louvre Museum, 1793 – A grand interior of the Louvre Museum, with the Winged Victory of Samothrace







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