- “受《银翼杀手》启发的未来城市景观,以飞行汽车和霓虹灯为特色,还有一个转折点——所有建筑都由不同的流行糖果制成,如彩虹糖、M&M 巧克力豆和奇巧巧克力。”
- “A futuristic cityscape inspired by Blade Runner, featuring flying cars and neon lights, with a twist – all the buildings are made of different popular candies and sweets like Skittles, M&Ms, and Kit-Kats.”
- “一个萨尔瓦多·达利 (Salvador Dali) 风格的超现实海底世界,所有海洋生物实际上都是不同的科技产品,如 iPhone、笔记本电脑和智能手表,漂浮在海藻和珊瑚之间。”
- “A surreal underwater world in the style of Salvador Dali, where all the sea creatures are actually different tech gadgets like iPhones, laptops, and smartwatches, floating amongst the seaweed and coral.”
- “蒂姆伯顿风格的异想天开的森林,所有的树木和植物都是由汉堡、薯条和炸鸡等不同的流行快餐制成的,所有的动物都装扮成爱丽丝梦游仙境中的角色。”
- “A whimsical forest in the style of Tim Burton, where all the trees and plants are made of different popular fast food items like burgers, fries, and fried chicken, and all the animals are dressed as characters from Alice in Wonderland.”
- “一个蒸汽朋克风格的火车站,所有的火车都是由可口可乐、百事可乐和 Dr. Pepper 等不同的流行汽水品牌制成的,乘客是机器人和机器人。”
- “A steampunk-inspired train station, where all the trains are made of different popular soda brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper, and the passengers are robots and cyborgs.”
- “一个未来主义主题公园,灵感来自迪士尼的明日世界,游乐设施和景点由 Xbox、PlayStation 和 Nintendo Switch 等不同的流行视频游戏机组成。”
- “A futuristic theme park, inspired by Disney’s Tomorrowland, with rides and attractions made of different popular video game consoles like Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.”
- “马克斯·恩斯特 (Max Ernst) 风格的梦幻般的海滩,所有去海滩的人都是漫威和 DC 宇宙中著名的超级英雄和反派,他们躺在由不同类型的奶酪制成的沙堡上。”
- “A dreamlike beach in the style of Max Ernst, where all the beachgoers are famous superheroes and villains from the Marvel and DC universes, lounging on sandcastles made of different types of cheese.”
- “一个后世界末日的荒地,灵感来自疯狂的麦克斯,所有的车辆和建筑物都是由不同的流行小吃制成的,如多力多滋、品客薯片和奇多,所有的幸存者都打扮成行尸走肉中的角色。”
- “A post-apocalyptic wasteland, inspired by Mad Max, where all the vehicles and buildings are made of different popular snacks like Doritos, Pringles, and Cheetos, and all the survivors are dressed as characters from The Walking Dead.”
- “斯坦利·库布里克 2001 年太空漫游风格的空间站,所有的宇宙飞船和设备都是由不同流行的糖果棒制成的,如士力架、银河系和三剑客,所有宇航员都打扮成星际迷航中的角色”
- “A space station in the style of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, where all the spaceships and equipment are made of different popular candy bars like Snickers, Milky Way, and Three Musketeers, and all the astronauts are dressed as characters from Star Trek.”
- “一个爱德华·戈里风格的阴森墓地,所有的墓碑和纪念碑都是用不同的流行饼干制成的,比如奥利奥、奇普斯阿霍伊和纳特黄油,所有的鬼魂都装扮成亚当斯一家的角色。”
- “A spooky graveyard in the style of Edward Gorey, where all the tombstones and monuments are made of different popular cookies like Oreos, Chips Ahoy, and Nutter Butters, and all the ghosts are dressed as characters from The Addams Family.”
- “一座约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯风格的奇幻城堡,所有的骑士和公主都打扮成不同迪士尼电影中的角色,所有城堡的墙壁和塔楼都是由不同的流行早餐麦片制成的,如 Lucky Charms、Froot Loops 和 Cocoa泡芙。”
- “A fantastical castle in the style of John William Waterhouse, where all the knights and princesses are dressed as characters from different Disney movies, and all the castle walls and towers are made of different popular breakfast cereals like Lucky Charms, Froot Loops, and Cocoa Puffs.”